Week Two

My Favorite Bit Of Information From The Week:

 Kate Middleton has been a huge advocate for educating and empowering children to have better mental health. She puts mental  and physical health on the same level of importance. I love this way of viewing things because when we all begin to see our mental well being as just another “check up” we help to remove the stigma on it in our culture. However you may feel about the royals, this is interesting stuff and how the UK is planning on handling mental health education in the school systems is fascinating. 

Here is a bit on her plan to activate better mental health in the school system:https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/princess-kate-launches-mental-health-program-schools-commitment/story?id=52544635

And here is a link to when she took over the Huffington Post for a day: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/her-royal-highness-the-duchess-of-cambridge/lets-make-a-real-difference-for-young-children_b_9246336.html?ec_carp=1494915090270197043&guccounter=2

Lastly, but probably most importantly, If you are in the mood to watch adorable British children talk about mental health, you are in for a treat- this is also a fantastic video to share with the children in your lives:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFCLGIX6hBs

Update on my Show: 

THANK YOU to all who donated, truly. We are one fifth of the way funded and I am so grateful and excited! This week, I am spending 2- 3 hours a day polishing the script, and beginning the work on a website for updates- more to come soon! If you would like to donate, share this project with a friend, or find out more about it please check out my GoFundMe here: http://gofundme.onewomanhamlet.com 


New From Last Week: You can also check out the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention here, they have a fantastic short video on suicide prevention in the center of their homepage: https://afsp.org/our-work/education/talk-saves-lives-introduction-suicide-prevention/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAsdHhBRCwARIsAAhRhsm_jLVQMO_Sra91KBpyn22uuEo3NFfaQ5YcQVSdSDlh_o46QFvSe-YaAuUfEALw_wcB

All my best and heart to you, 

Attachments areaPreview YouTube video Kate Middleton appears in mental health awareness videoKate Middleton appears in mental health awareness video

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