Week Twenty-Seven

My Favorite Bit of Information For The Week:


This week is simple, I would like to share a documentary with you. I watched the documentary “Happy” A few years ago and it started a journey for me on the road to what happiness means to me. Happiness and mental health are inextricably linked. It’s O.K not to be O.K, and it’s O.K to be sad. But “happiness” is a word that can exist around those emotions,and within anxiety and depression as well. This documentary introduced me to tools that helped my depression and anxiety. These tools, as well as thoughts on what it means to be happy – how it might look different than just feeling “good” all the time – along with seeing a therapist, saved my life. This documentary is best watched with a warm (or otherwise comforting) beverage and a bit of dark chocolate (or any satisfying treat of your own choosing). To watch the documentary you can go to Netflix here. If you don’t have an account, you can try a free trail to watch the documentary. And of course, if you want to check out the trailer first, click here. 

Update On My Show:

Puppet Work:
 Many amazing conversations had with Noah Ginex over the Puppets this week! I cannot wait to share them with you all! To Check out Noah’s incredible work please click here

Fundraising: The project is free for audiences and therefore is completely independently funded – any support is appreciated! If you have already donated, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, you have made it possible to get this far. And if you are not in a place to give a dollar right now, thank you for being here and being a part of breaking the stigma on mental health. Much love!If you would like to donate to my show, share this project with a friend, or find out more about it please check out my gofundme here.

Please check out the One Woman Hamlet Website: www.onewomanhamlet.com

AND! my update Video.

Many, Many thanks: Margo Siwak and Joe Siwak for the design of the logo, and to Jillian Best and Bill Best for the Website creation and Design! I feel very blessed to have such beautiful humans in my life.Thank You: Thank you VERY much to all who have donated time and funds thus far, making this project possible.

Ways to Support: If you would like to donate to my show, share this project with a friend, or find out more about it please check out my gofundme here: https://www.gofundme.com/one-woman-hamlet

Thank You: Thank you VERY much to all who have donated thus far, making this project possible. 


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