Week Thirty-Eight

My Favorite Bit of Information From The Week: I am so honored this week to introduce a post written by my friend and hero Teagan Walsh-Davis. I have decided to continue the trend of adding a guest post every other week or so. This way, you get to hear voices outside mine own (and …

Week Thirty-Seven

My Favorite Bit of Information For The Week: Trapeze I was heading home, on Chicago’s lakefront bike path, when I saw this beautiful trapeze net set up near Foster Beach. I asked about classes and it just so happened that they were starting one in the next ten minutes. I decided to partake, and …

Week Thirty-Six

My Favorite Bit of Information From The Week: National Suicide Prevention Month If you are someone you know are struggling, call the National Suicide Hotline available 24/7 and connect to free resources and support: Call 1-800-273-8255 . There are also options for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, and a line for Spanish speakers on their website. …

Week Thirty-Five

My Favorite Bit Of Information From The Week: E.M.D.R EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psychotherapy treatment that recreates the rapid eye movement experienced during REM sleep – a time that is known for processing and healing in the body. EDMR is used for many mental health diagnosis, but primarily for …

Week Thirty-Four

My Favorite Bit of Information From The Week: Relationships It’s O.K. not to be O.K.  You are stardust and you are worthy of love, acceptance, and life.  This post from Maria Popova’s blog always reminds me of this fact. I hope it does for you as well.    This past week I have …

Week Thirty-Three

My Favorite Bit of Information From The Week: Cold Water This morning I woke up at 6:30 AM and jumped into Lake Michigan with one of my best friends of almost 20 years. It was exhilarating. The cold brought me into the moment in a way that nothing else has …

Week Thirty-Two

My Favorite Bit Of Information From The Week: Nine Simple Things… This past week has been a harder one for me. As I have been approaching major life events – a celebration of my elopement and this show – my depression and anxiety have become more intense. There are days when …

Week Thirty-One

My Favorite Bit of Information From The Week: Puppets and Mental Health This week I feel very fortunate to share Noah Ginex’s thoughts on puppetry and mental health. Noah is an incredible artist in the city, and I am very fortunate to have him as the creator and designer of …

Week Thirty

My Favorite Bit of Information From The Week: Bobby Baker and Bad Ass Art! I discovered the incredible Bobby Baker this week. A woman who wrote a book entitled “Diary Drawings: Mental Illness and Me”. A book of beautiful drawings showing how she feels about her mental illness on a …

Week Twenty-Nine

My Favorite Bit of Information From The Week: Self-Harm and Cutting There is immense stigma around cutting and self-harm in our culture. Many teens and adults struggle with self-harm, and often times it is not understood by those around them. The most common stigma I hear is “they are just …